Hello hello! I'm sure some of you already know that my website has launched!
Pretty simple to remember :0)
We ended up choosing NOT having a separate store on the website, but a snapshot of our etsy store is on it. Also, you are welcome to send custom orders through the website. It has almost 100 different patterns for custom orders available on it along with many examples of bags that have already been made.
On another note, I just finished up a large order for Zooniversity's four-eyed possum:
And no he doesn't really have four eyes, but check out their site especially if you live in the Dallas area!
I wanted to share a quick pic of the lovely snow storm that hit the Chicagoland area and, well, most of the US! Here's outside my front door, granted, I'm almost 6 feet tall.... there was a lot of snow! Yet I only got one snow day... we were one of the few schools open today in the area but oh well..... At least we won't have two school days to make up later on. PS I have an obsession with really big guys sweatpants, especially in weird colors.
In "honor" of the snow storm, I posted a sale on our facebook fan page, be sure to check it out! It ends SATURDAY the 5th!
I will be working to get a few more items on there tonight/tomorrow, but tomorrow is my birthday so I might take the weekend off :0)
I would LOVE feedback on the website if anyone has some to share. It's hard to have an unbiased position in judging it.
I hope everyone is staying warm! Have a great weekend!