Friday, August 6, 2010

Hurray for the weekend!

It's almost here... you can smell it! I'm not sure what I even did this week but I'm done with it. I worked school registration yesterday, taking people's money and helping those that don't have any get state money. It was a long day, though registration was only 11-7, someone didn't tell me she had to be there at 7 to do other things. I haven't had to wake up before 7 in a long time, but yesterday, I shot right up at 530. It's a big step haha. Only a few weeks until I'll have to do that 5 days a week.

I got to see my classroom yesterday... it smells horrible! Like old mold. Gross. The music teacher has an old piano and old rotting away instrument boxes and books in there and won't take them out. I will be stocking up on Febreeze soon!! It's not the smallest classroom I've ever been in, but without that music stuff I would again at least 70 sq. feet that could be used for a reading corner. AGH. I secretly brought all of my books and a lot of my posters and what not in through the side door so they would stop taking up room in the garage.  I didn't realize how much space is just blank/empty, I'm definitely going to need to get more posters. I'm going to go to a home improvement store this weekend and see about getting a big piece of shower board to use as a white board in my room. I just have to figure out a way to make sure it doesn't fall and doesn't damage the chalkboard behind it. I'm thinking industrial strength magnets.... Any suggestions?

And I did add more books to my library.... check out the LibraryThing link on the side... it's outta control!
*Even as I am writing this, I have eBay open looking for the Dear America books!*

I also bought the first two Twilight books in Spanish! I'm excited to read them, I hope my Spanish isn't too rusty that I have to look up all the words.

Noodles (my hedgehog) has been sleeping when I'm home and awake when I'm at work or sleeping so no photos of her today. Instead here's a photo of Peabody and Penelope. Peabody I got from a local petshop and Penelope I got from a local cat shelter (odd, I know). Peas is about a year and a quarter, and Penelope is a year, but they are absolutely the best pair of hamsters I've ever had. Here's a photo of them singing.... errr, begging for a treat!

On to today's template! Here's template number 44.... Click the preview to download.

Welp, that's all for now. I've got a lot of work next week... (retail 4 nights and then heading to the school to help with inventory during the day most likely) so whatever time I have left will probably be reading teacher resource books or making Snugglie Bags, the bank account needs it.

Thanks for stopping by everyone and have a great weekend!
*If you'd like to share your creations with my templates, please email me at sweetteascraps AT comcast DOT net. (Trying to avoid spammers!)*


  1. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [07 Aug 11:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  2. Th♥nk you so much for your wonderful freebie.
