Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Sorry that has been a bit since I last posted. I have been super busy.
The camping trip a few weeks ago was... something. It rained a lot. And when we went on our canoe trip on the Wisconsin river, we were pounded by hail, wind, sand, and rain. Enough said. It was still fun :)

I did in fact start that second house, have a couple of pages done, but thats about it! I might get some time at night this week if I am not tired. I start working at Walmart tomorrow (already did orientation) and I work 9 hrs (minus lunch) every day and I get random days in the middle of the week off which isn't very useful but oh well, I really need the money.

I went to David's Bridal to go try on dresses to get ready for Running of the Brides...and ended up going home with one :) Originally it was just going to be me, my cousin, and my best friend, but my mom and aunt ended up coming too. My aunt picked out my dress and well my mom paid for it! How about that? We figured out that white did not look right on me at all so they started grabbing ivory/champagne dresses and I think the third one of that color I tried on was the one (after about 20 others!). It's not the typical dress fabric (the heavy one) its much lighter and you can't tell but throughout the bustle there are sparkly beaded flowers. Straps are coming off for the reception. Here's a stock photo of it in white:

It makes me feel like a princess and that's all that matters! It was an amazing deal too... but I won't share that much. Going to the eye dr. in a bit hopefully to find out that the eye infection that I have had for over two years has subsided so I can wear contacts that don't cost an arm and a leg!

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