Sunday, January 9, 2011

Being productive has its perks

I don't consider severe back pain to be one of them. Yesterday, I decided since I was working retail over Xmas break (instead of writing a paper for grad class, preparing lessons, and sewing Snugglie Bags) I was going to make up for it by spending the day cutting as many Snugglie Bags, Hammocks, etc. that I could... And I did.... There's 26 Snugglie items just waiting to be sewn.

I also made Noodles and Oatie Liners and Bags for their cages.

But after hours of being hunched over a table cutting. I ended up with my back being so stiff that I can't stand straight. Sitting isn't much fun either, neither is laying. So I'm in quite a pickle. For those of you who  remember from way back in my paper scrapbooking days, I had (hopefully don't HAVE) three herniated discs in my lower back. I had 7 epidurals (lesi injections) and it seemed to have fixed it. Right now, it's almost worse than it was. I thought I would wake up this morning and feel fine, not at all. I'm going to try to go to work tomorrow, but seeing as I have to walk all over the school to pick up my students several times a day.... I'm not sure if that's going to be possible. We'll seeee......

On another note, I wanted to show everyone our homemade hedgehog wheels. They are made out of 5 gal. buckets, pvc pipes and roller blades. Noodles' is the pink and Oatie's is green. Not only are they less expensive compared to the biggest ones at the pet store, but they are quiet and actually fit our pets! Pet stores normally sell the Comfort Wheel and Silent Spinner wheels, neither which are quite this big. The comfort wheel is not as sturdy and the silent spinner is not SILENT! The plastic pieces start knocking on each other, besides the fact that the wheel is curved..... So anyway, if you have large pets like hedgehogs or chinchillas, please make their wheels!

And of course, I have to share a pic of the baby Oatie! He's enjoying an apple. 
And yes, I did clean his poopie feet after this shot. :0)

I also finished the website yesterday!!!! Click the link to take a peek.

Our store is not functional on it yet, but you can check out the fleece patterns, our history, and all about the snugglie bags there. It will also be a much easier website. I will keep you posted when everything goes live!

Have a great week!

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