Friday, May 30, 2008

So many birds, so little time....

So I am back from my field trip... I didn't think we were going to stay long because it has been nonstop storming here but we were there for about 2 hours before we went back to school to ANALYZE SPECIMENS. FUN! .... not? My instructor was like a kid in a candy store at the smallest glimpse of a bird. I personally just never know I could fill a sheet of paper with all the birds that lived down the street but oooookkkayyyy....... just don't poop on my car again.
In conclusion, do NOT drink anything near a marsh. It's gross.

I am determined to make the next $800 layout! I wish! I haven't done a layout in months ago!

I am going to try my hand at paper piecing. I can draw pretty good, but I don't know if I can get my ideas out onto the paper in this different media. It is going to be a tear paper fairy/mushroom layout... like so many that are already out there. So hopefully I won't ruin a classic. I'm using Basic Grey's Lily Kate for this one, which is already a bit whimsical.

I will be gone for the rest of the weekend to Chicago. My bf and I are going to a Chicago Rush (indoor football) game and a flea market. Maybe a scrapbook store... I dunno... if we have enough time :) OHH I'LL MAKE SOME!

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