Friday, December 3, 2010

Holly Jolly!

It's that time of year again! You know... when we are running around like crazy people trying to find the perfect gift and get the best deals. It's a love-hate relationship...I think many of you will have to agree. I thought this year would be my first not working during the holiday season, seeing as I have a degree that has graciously given me a job that gives me the holidays off. Alas, I have succumbed to retail yet again and worked Black Friday and will be working once we are on winter break. I would really LOVE to get a MacBook Pro... perhaps I can save up enough to get one... I'm like a little kid. Ha.

Anyone, I have a great deal for you all today... it's a freebie! What's better than free? Beats me.
Here's my latest.. I'm calling it Bubbly Template. You call it whatever you want. Click the image below to download!

For my Snugglie Bag fans, please visit our Facebook page and become a fan!! With Etsy now allowing us to have coupon codes... it makes it even easier for me to post deals for our fans! I am still taking orders for the holidays.... which I know is a rarity for some, as I have run into some companies that stopped weeks ago! 
Snugglie Bags are great for those Christmas present animals and for the animal lover!

I wish everyone a happy shopping weekend :0)

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