Thursday, July 29, 2010

Finished Cataloging!

WHEW! That was a lot of books! Some of them were from when I was a kid... and that had that old book smell from being in a box for a while... you know the one. I just want to febreeze them (which I probably will everyday when they get in my classroom, especially since 5th graders don't quite get deodorant...)

Here they all are at my LibraryThing account... All 282, so far. I'm hoping for some donations from friends and will probably spend time at Goodwills and on eBay looking for more. I'll hit 325 before school starts easily.  I spent most of the day on eBay I think, because honestly, I can't really think of what else I did besides take Puddles to get her plug tightened. Puddles is my car... my 99 Acura that has been making little oil puddles in my driveway. What were YOU thinking? :0)

I would love to read "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry with my kids. Since I'm only teaching Reading and Math, there's not much room to teach the Holocaust and I think it is a subject that doesn't get enough attention at the younger ages. Hopefully, I'll be able to win a set of the books on eBay that won't break the bank.

More on classroom library organization: I am NOT, I repeat NOT putting those darn envelopes and loan cards in all of those books. That's just ridiculous! Instead I'm doing this:
Each student will get a card similar to a library loan card. It will have their name on the top (I'll pre print them)
Each time a student wants to check out a book, they will write the name of the book on their card and take a due date card (just like the ole libraries used to do). They put their card in the loan box and wa-la! I don't have to make 282 cards and glue in 282 envelopes! Thank goodness!

Creativeness time... I have another freebie for you guys!!! I think my head is bursting at the seams with them. I made template 40 and 41 at the same time and the numbers got all screwy, but don't worry you are getting two different ones. Here's template 41:

Click Here to Download!
And of course that awesome font is from

I think my next post will have a helping of "Noodles" :0)

Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy the template :0)

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